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Region 2 - Maxatawny & Lyons 

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Reba Cortés Hoffman

- Build Racial Harmony, Not Division

- Offer Unique Multi-Cultural Worldview

- Increase Transparency between School & Home Environment


Contact Us Today:

 P.O. Box 223, Lenhartsville, PA 19534

I am a wife and mother to four children in the Kutztown Area School District (KASD).  My children range from elementary age to high school age. I was born and raised in Mexico until coming to the United States when I was 17. My husband, Pete, is a native of Kutztown, which is where our family has planted its roots. I’ve been an active member of Grace Church of Kutztown for 20 years and serve as a worship leader, small group host, and a member of the steering committee for Moms of Grace. For the last 4 years, I have also served as the den leader for my daughter’s scout pack, Kutztown Pack 101.


My experience growing up in Mexico allows me to offer a unique and diverse perspective as a candidate for School Director in Maxatawny/Lyons. I had the privilege of serving on the mission field with my parents by teaching trades to indigenous people, enabling them to begin their own businesses to support their families. Through the years, we also served many marginalized indigenous people having special physical needs with things such as physical therapy and mobility devices. I’ve seen poverty first-hand – small, one-room homes with dirt floors, no running water or toilets. I still recall the faces of young boys and girls, homeless, on the streets in Mexico. This planted the desire in my heart for helping children who can’t help themselves. I initially pursued a degree in social work but later stepped aside to fully focus on raising our family. My heart for serving people, especially children, is one of the reasons I am running for School Director.


My family celebrates a mixed heritage, so I have been deeply troubled by some of the materials and policies coming out of KASD implementing the tenets of Critical Race Theory. While claiming to combat racism, these items instead create racism by focusing on differences. As a woman with Mexican heritage, I want to be treated the same as everyone else. Treating others differently based on their race disrupts the racial harmony in communities – particularly in mixed families like mine. I’ve seen real oppression in Mexico and count it a privilege to be an American, where opportunities are vast compared to places like Mexico. As a School Director, I will do everything possible to ensure all children have the same opportunities regardless of their skin color. I will ensure students who need assistance are taking advantage of existing programs like Title I programs and Individualized Education Plans (IEPs) to provide them additional resources to succeed.


Transparency in the school environment is also paramount to me. I have great respect for teachers, however, that respect is earned; it is not blindly granted. I strongly believe in the rights of a parent to decide what their child is ready to learn. Topics like gender fluidity and overt sexual materials are outside the bounds of the school, particularly when it is done without providing any prior notification to parents. I will work to improve communication and transparency between the school and home environments, giving the rightful influence back to parents for the upbringing of their children.


Your vote for School Director in Maxatawny/Lyons will allow me to advocate for racial harmony and increased transparency in curriculum/resources. Thank you for your support!

Dennis J. Udicious

- Education not Indoctrination

- Empower Parents

- Uplift Children

- Protect Taxpayers


Contact Us Today:

 P.O. Box 223, Lenhartsville, PA 19534

I am the father of 4 adult daughters and 3 grandchildren and a resident of Kutztown.  I have had a 30+ year career in business and recently my wife and I became small business owners with businesses in Kutztown and Hamburg.  I’m a true Patriotic Constitutional Conservative Christian serving as the Youth Director in my church. Also, over the last 20 years I have coached Middle School and High School wrestling.  My passion has always been serving young people with the goal of providing an uplifting environment that builds strong character and positive decision making in their formative years.


Since I’ve heard about what was happening in our schools, and faithfully attending the school board meetings for the last year and a half, I have been shocked to see what was being passed as education policy in my School District.  I am also concerned about the apparent willingness by some on the board to raise taxes to accommodate overspending.  Additionally, I’m concerned about the imposition of health care mandates and the removal of patient privacy and individual constitutional rights regarding health choices.


The level of indoctrination of the children is becoming pervasive. I believe that a superior education for all should always be the focus of our education system.  In recent years the rights of parents to have a say in what their children are taught has been largely stripped from them, or at least tacitly ignored.


Providing equal opportunity regardless of race, creed, socioeconomic status, or disability is paramount.  Equity policies, however, divide students into categories and creates an environment where they are singled out and, in some cases, ostracized based on the labels that are placed on them.  Additionally, the sexualization of our children in our schools is becoming normalized. Instruction about human sexuality should only be taught in a classroom designed to teach the biological facts of human development with an approved curriculum by a qualified teacher, not left to the will and ideology of individual teachers and faculty.  Parents need the power to “OPT IN” to any instruction regarding human sexuality.  Sexually explicit materials of all kinds should not be part of any instruction or school resources.


Additionally, it is important that the School District remain fiscally responsible.  It should always be a top priority to protect taxpayers by avoiding tax increases due to spending out of convenience or lack of due diligence. No spending should be rubber stamped without first considering the cost/benefit of the proposal and whether lower cost alternatives can provide the same outcome.  A limit should be determined that would require multiple bids for higher cost initiatives.


I am committing to giving you a voice, to fighting for your rights and to protecting and uplifting the children.

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