For our endorsed candidates (shown by the asterisk, "*"), we are pleased to announce unofficial results from the May 16, 2023 Primary for school director in the Kutztown Area School District:
Kutztown Borough (Region 1):
*Steve Morris and *Brad Myers are projected to win the Republican nominations.
Caecilia Holt and Laurel Ziegler are projected to win the Democrat nominations.
Maxatawny Township and Lyons Borough (Region 2):
*Dennis Udicious and *Reba Cortes Hoffman are projected to win the Republican nominations.
Dennis Ritter and Char Horst are projected to win the Democrat nominations.
Albany, Greenwich, and Lenhartsville (Region 3):
*Dan Wismer is projected to win the Republican nomination.
Charles Brown is projected to win the Democrat nomination.
Aggregate Votes:
If all Republican and Democrat ballots were aggregated, then the unofficial results show the following:
Region 3: *Wismer 597; Brown 303.
Region 2: *Udicious 354; *Hoffman 342; Ritter 228; Horst 197.
Region 1: Ziegler 498; Holt 485; *Myers 285; *Morris 278.
Write-in Efforts in Region 2:
Our preliminary results from the machine count do not show any serious write-in efforts by Ritter and Horst in the Region 2 Republican Primary. Unofficial results suggest that Ritter and Horst each received five write-in votes in
Maxatawny Precinct 1; one write-in vote in Maxatawny Precinct 2 and seven write-in votes in Maxatawny Precinct 3. We do not yet have data for Lyons Borough.
We couldn't have done this without the support of the community. We were so encouraged to see so many new faces step up to help at the polls!
For more info on our candidates, check out our Rumble channel. If you haven't already, please consider getting involved or donating to help keep the momentum going!